Augustine on the sufferings of this life
Of the miseries and ills to which the human race is justly exposed through the first sin, and from which none can be delivered save by »
Of the miseries and ills to which the human race is justly exposed through the first sin, and from which none can be delivered save by »
Stay Sharp Mentally A recent article in USA Weekend (September 17-19, 2010) outlines ten simple strategies for remaining mentally alert, even though 25% of us have »
While at the conference [of Chinese Christian Theologians] I purchased your wonderful book "Carl Henry: Theologian for All Seasons." I have finished reading it »
Only one thing is essential for us to move forward in this life with God. This one thing is purely and simply a ’longing’ for this »
"I find Christ to be Christ, and that he is far, far, even infinite heaven's height above man. And that is all our »