Feeling blue?

It's a gray Sunday afternoon, and I was feeling a bit blue when I awoke from my nap.

Dori was still resting, so I picked up one of my favorite books, John Piper's The Pleasures of God. I had only a few pages to go before finishing it, and when I came to the end, I just sat there, thinking, "Is it really true that God wants me to be happy?"

I was listening to a CD of selected works from Bach on a Bose headset that some friends had given me, and the sheer beauty of his music began to flood my mind as I mused on the possibility that maybe Piper is right. Maybe God does want us to experience joy, and beauty, and goodness, and truth, now and always.

So, I got up - with Bach still playing - and wrote the following blog. Later, I was reminded of a song I heard when I was about six. "Any time you're feeling lonely; any time you're feeling blue; any time you feel down hearted - that's the time I'll come back home to you."

Sweet sentiments, but sweeter still to realize that God says something similar to the first three clauses of those lyrics, but ends with, "That's the time to come back home to Me." So, with those thoughts I share my brief response to The Pleasures of God.