October 21, 2024: God is Merciful

“I will sing of the mercies [steadfast love] of the LORD forever" (Psalm 89:1).

Dear Praying Friends:

If you asked me what aspect of God’s character I value most, I would immediately reply, “His mercy.” That is why I have titled my autobiography Mercy All the Way. It is still a work in progress, but you can find a draft of the first part of it (up to 1988) at  www.reachingchineseworldwide.org/mercy-all-the-way.

The story of my life, up to the present, is one of God’s repeated forgiveness of my sins, as he welcomes me back into sweet communion with himself and often even turns my rebellion and folly into platforms of his grace. Truly, his mercies are new every morning and his faithfulness to us is very great!

Thank you for praying last week.

We had a wonderful visit with Dori’s sister Jean and Jean’s husband Tom, who is  a retired pastor with much wisdom and experience. When I asked him to recommend a book on aging, about which I know very little, but which I am now experiencing, he named Alice Fryling’s Aging Faithfully, a slender volume that I purchased and read last week. It’s quite helpful.

Tom and Jean both have a great deal of training in personal ministry, so I sought advice from them about how I could improve my usefulness to the people with whom I correspond and converse. They advised me to go through Pete Scazerro’s Emotionally Healthy courses on discipleship, relationships, and ministry. You may remember that Dori and I thought that the first book, on discipleship, was most helpful a few years ago. I have started to read it again.

God gave me two excellent conversations with friends in Taiwan, and Dori and I talked with a couple there this morning. He teaches Intercultural Studies (aka Missions) at the seminary where I served on the faculty 1980-1987. I have another call Thursday and hope to schedule more with friends there.

On Tuesday I resumed writing notes on 1 Timothy 4, and on Wednesday I returned to the story on Amy Wilkinson for the BDCC. I can only write about an hour a day, but a little bit is better than nothing.

Also on Tuesday, Dori and I went to see the PA at my family practice, who had examined me a month ago for the virus I had. She confirmed the diagnosis of the doctor at the express care facility, that the virus had turned into a mild case of bacterial pneumonia. Meanwhile, the blood tests showed, as usual, that my body chemistry is quite good.

She said two things: First, “The antibiotics are working. You will get better.” Then she added, “But because of your age, it may take a while, so be patient with yourself.” This confirmed what I’d read on the Mayo Clinic website. The fatigue can last for several weeks or longer.

Rather than giving you a weekly progress report, I’ll let you know when I’ve experienced substantial healing, as measured by (1) freedom from constant fatigue and aching legs, and (2) being able (a) to walk up a flight of stairs without having to stop and rest and without being out of breath, and (b) to walk 2,000 steps without resting.

Attached you will find a bookmark for my latest publication, The China Inland Mission: A Biographical History, with purchase information. 

I was mistaken about T’s departure date. She is en route to Germany as I write.

For your prayers (Pick two or three): Please ask God to

  • Remind us all daily of God’s boundless mercy and grace in Christ.
  • Enable me to continue writing; bless many people through the new book and articles in the Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity website; and make me a blessing to those with whom I correspond and converse.
  • Help T. to settle into life in Germany and begin graduate school smoothly.
  • Strengthen retired GCC Senior Associate Carol Lee Hamrin, whose Parkinson’s disease continues to advance. Her husband Bob also has several serious health difficulties.
  • Bring healing to CI Partner Randall Chan’s wife Connie, who suffers from advanced kidney disease.

“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy [steadfast love] and truth [faithfulness] go before Your face” (Psalm 89:14).

Yours in his never-ending goodness,