Pastor Peter Pal in India
15 November 2024
- WhatsApp Devotionals: Everyday approx. 6,200 people receive devotionals in 3 different languages. Many forward the same to others in their circle.
- WhatsApp Prayer Room: Everyday 15 major intercessory prayer points about India; praying for the political leaders by their names and the offices they hold, praying for the departments that guard the nation, praying for the Church, and 5 people groups with their numbers yet to be reached.
- WhatsApp also receives prayer requests from every corner of India.
- Focus: Praying for the persecuted Church and the nation of India.
- Unity: Standing together in prayer for the faithful.
- Bible Training: Empowering Gospel workers through online sessions. - Study Material: Translated materials for wider accessibility.
- Video Edits: Recorded sessions for future reference.
- Ongoing Christian Hindi Script Translation
- YouTube Video Editing
- Voice-Over Recordings and Translations
- Impactful events conducted in various cities to strengthen faith.
- Face opposition and persecution but continuing to spread the Gospel.
- Retreats, conferences, and worship events held in cities across India.
- Responding with love and compassion during natural disasters etc.
- Offering emergency relief and rehabilitation support in North India.
9 October 2024
In a world full of distractions, it is easy to lose focus on the Lord Jesus, leading to disappointment and discouragement. However, when we continually seek Him, our faith and hope are renewed (1 Thess 5:8; 1 Peter 1:21). We find joy in the love of God, which has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom 5:5).
We are thankful for the Lord's patient guidance, using both circumstances and people to draw us closer to Him. The story of Job illustrates how God allowed challenges to fulfill His divine purposes, not only in Job’s life but also in the lives of his family and friends, ultimately bringing glory to God. This serves as a reminder for us to stay focused on Him, as taught in Romans 15:4.
Every individual is significant in the eyes of the Lord, with a unique purpose established even before our birth. As stated in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” We must resist any lies from the Devil that suggest we lack importance to God. He not only created us and bestowed life upon us (Psalm 139:13-17), but He also sacrificed Himself for our redemption on Calvary (1 John 3:16). His blood was shed to secure our salvation (John 19:34; Revelation 5:9). Let us turn to Him and embrace the abundant life He offers!
Greetings to you in Christ Jesus our Lord.
As we reflect on each moment, day, and month, we recognize the abundant blessings that flow not only into our lives but also into the lives of many who benefit from our ministry for the glory of God. I take this opportunity to express our gratitude in supporting the mission field. Your unwavering commitment to spreading the Gospel and serving those in need stands as a powerful testament to God's love in action.
Motorbike Accident Update: The aftermath of the accident continues to affect me physically, as I am now experiencing persistent pain in both shoulders. Last week, I consulted a doctor in my hometown due to the high medical expenses in Bengaluru. I also sought treatment from a local oil massage therapist. Your prayers for my complete healing would be greatly appreciated.
Pastor JM from Batote, Jammu and Kashmir, recently shared a powerful testament to his wife Suman’s unwavering faithfulness in Christian ministry. Though I’ve heard many stories from this dedicated family, this one deeply touched my heart. While Pastor JM was away, traveling on foot through the mountains to a believer's home for a prayer meeting, Suman stayed back at home, preparing to wash clothes on a freezing morning. As she lifted a heavy bucket of scalding hot water to pour into the washing machine, it suddenly slipped, spilling 15 liters of boiling water onto the ground and narrowly missing her.
Despite the pain, Suman managed to stand and avoid further injury. Remarkably, she never mentioned her burns when she called her husband to ask if the meeting had concluded. Later that evening, when Pastor JM called to check if she needed anything from the market, she casually requested a small ointment, downplaying the severity of her condition. It was only upon his return that Pastor JM discovered both her legs were severely burned, prompting an immediate visit to the local doctor for first aid.
Suman’s incredible patience and commitment to the Lord’s work is truly inspiring. She didn’t want to disrupt her husband’s ministry or cause him concern during the prayer meeting. During a video call, I was struck by the joy and resilience on their faces, despite their physical suffering. It humbled me, as I reflected on my own minor discomforts in comparison. Together, Pastor JM and Suman serve the Lord faithfully in one of the most challenging regions of Jammu and Kashmir, where they minister in a predominantly Muslim and Hindu district. Their devotion is an extraordinary witness to the power of faith in the face of adversity.
Pastor SC from Pune, Maharashtra, a man deeply committed to God’s work, recently faced an anti-conversion lawsuit in the town where he ministers. However, what seemed like a challenge ultimately turned into a moment that brought honor and glory to the Lord. Summoned by the police, Pastor SC, accompanied by his wife and a church sister, went to the police station to clarify the reasons behind the summons and assert his innocence. There, they were given a copy of the First Information Report (FIR), and the complainant was present as well.
During the investigation, several individuals arrived at the station: the village head, another police officer, some local villagers, and a doctor. These people stood as witnesses to the transformative work of God through Pastor SC’s ministry. The doctor shared his personal testimony, explaining that many of his patients, who had been receiving treatment for various ailments, had suddenly stopped visiting the hospital. When he reached out to them, they all attributed their healing to Pastor SC’s prayers. The doctor expressed his desire to meet this man of God and testified before the police, affirming that Pastor SC was a good man who could not have committed any wrongdoing.
Other witnesses echoed similar sentiments, stating that they experienced deliverance from different challenges through his prayers. The police were astonished by the overwhelming testimonies of support and subsequently dismissed the case. They acknowledged Pastor SC's positive contributions to society and assured him that no further actions would be taken against him. Hallelujah, all glory to Jesus!
Sister PS from Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, is a devoted believer in Christ, standing firm as the only Christian in her Hindu family. She has a remarkable calling from God, and her life is marked by an anointing and a passionate zeal for the Lord. Since committing her life to Jesus, she has faced intense persecution, particularly from her own brother and sister-in-law. Yet, through steadfast faith and a deep commitment to memorizing Scripture, she has persevered. Today, she is powerfully used by God, and the newly established church in her town continues to grow, with signs and wonders happening regularly. The new believers are rapidly learning the Word of God and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Sister PS is currently seeking donations to purchase building materials to construct a small prayer hall, which will facilitate the further work of God in her community.
- We praise God for His protection to Pastor SC, Sister Suman and towards Sister Poonam.
- We praise God for these faithful vessels in the hands of the Lord and their willingness to endure hardships for His glory and Kingdom.
- New Online Training will bring in people who have a learning heart and impact others with the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ.
- Our vision to establish a transformative Word Training Center; incorporated with large screens and an environment optimized for internet-based learning in the heart of Andhra Pradesh.
- Establish a small-scale industry imprinting God’s Word on Wood, Acrylic sheets, Cups, and T-shirts. I’m personally aspiring to undergo a short training on this subject.
- Sister Suman will receive complete healing and be able to walk soon. Keziah’s eye surgery scheduled on 14th Oct will go well.
- God's divine provisions will meet the ongoing needs of our ministry, family, and children's education needs.
- Our Present House-Owner has put the property on sale, Praying for a new place to live.
In His Vineyard,
Pastor Peter Pal
1 August 2024
Titus in Crete: God's Man for the Job! A Comparison with Present-Day India
Before Paul left him in Crete, Titus had been his messenger to the Church in Corinth and was also responsible for the collection for Jerusalem's poor (2 Corinthians 2:13; 8:6, 16). Did tasks like these equip him for the work in Crete? And have you ever considered just how significant that work was?
Titus was called "to set things in order" (Titus 1:5). Shepherding the Cretans was a real challenge. They were descendants of the Philistines, and Crete’s Mount Ida was the so-called birthplace of Zeus, so Greek gods reigned there. In addition to false gods, there were also false teachers (Titus 1:10, 14). One of their prophets, the poet Epimenides, described the Cretans as liars, beasts, and gluttons (Titus 1:12). Surely, this job would require someone with the gifts of teaching, exhorting, and rebuking (Titus 2:1, 6).
But that’s not all Titus was called to do. God also called him to "appoint elders in every city" (Titus 1:5). When we consider the size of this task, another gift comes to mind - administration. Why? Because Crete was not just made up of a few small fishing villages. This 186x35 mile island was known in Bible times as "the island of 100 cities," and its million inhabitants were involved in all sorts of evil.
But Titus had God on his side! Historians give us some idea of their success as a team. They tell us Titus did appoint elders, and except for one mission trip to modern-day Yugoslavia, he spent the rest of his life as Crete’s chief elder. Historians tell us that the Christian faith endured in Crete into the twentieth century.
Comparing this to present-day India, we see parallels in the vastness and diversity of the challenges. India, with its population of over 1.4 billion, is a mosaic of cultures, religions, and languages. Just as Titus faced the challenge of shepherding a diverse and often resistant population, modern-day Christian leaders in India must navigate a complex social and religious landscape. The need for strong leadership, effective administration, and unwavering faith is as crucial now as it was then.
The work Titus accomplished in Crete is a testament to how God equips us for the tasks He calls us to do, no matter how daunting they may seem. Similarly, in present-day India, with its multitude of challenges, God continues to call and equip individuals for His work. May the story of Titus inspire us to trust in God's provision and guidance as we face our own unique challenges in Countries that we live in.
I must acknowledge, “WE CANNOT DO IT ALONE, WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS, PARTNERSHIP AND PARTICIPATION”. Regardless of geographical borders, we are eager to engage in ONLINE opportunities for training, mentorship, and fellowship and will warmly welcome your support.
You might remember praying for our parliamentary elections, our new regime has come to power by coalition from other small parties. India is yet to see significant changes, turnabouts from statements, decisions and policies formed against the Dalits and minorities in India. In the Parliament house, this time we have stronger opposition parties, who can question certain policies against Christians and minorities at large. We still need your prayers for India as darkness still hovers, injustice, arrogance and anger towards us continues. We’re not here to discuss politics but we need prayers to live peacefully and the work of the Gospel will flourish.
India has recently experienced extreme weather conditions, with summer temperatures soaring to 49° to 51° Celsius in many regions. Currently, the country is facing heavy rains and floods affecting numerous towns and villages, including major cities such as Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, and Bengaluru. Southern India, particularly Kerala, has been severely impacted, with two significant landslides causing extensive damage and numerous casualties. Your prayers and support are greatly needed during this challenging time.
Despite recent setbacks, new opportunities have emerged through God's grace. I received numerous calls from individuals who had received my messages before my system went down. These interactions allowed me to pray with many for their families, children, and personal lives. I also had the chance to counsel numerous young people and couples facing various issues. Some conversations extended longer than anticipated, and a few individuals committed their lives to the Lord during these calls. This remarkable move of God deserves all the glory.
On July 1st, dad celebrated his 84th birthday, a true testament to the Lord's goodness and grace (Psalm 90:12). Despite having been in the ICU twice recently and facing a recommendation for knee replacement surgery, God's grace has surrounded him, and he is in good health, able to move around without any difficulty. We are deeply grateful to everyone who sent their well wishes and prayers for his continued well-being.
Pastor MK from Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, has established house churches at three different locations in the town. Many individuals who have come to the Lord through his ministry come from impoverished and Dalit backgrounds. His talent for playing the guitar inspires worship across all age groups. Unfortunately, his home is in need of repairs following the passing of his father six months ago.
Sister PS from Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, who comes from a Hindu background, has actively participated in our online training programs. She has begun teaching women and has now initiated the construction of a small hall for worship in Bilaspur town. Her impactful work among women has been transformative. She is currently seeking donations for building materials to support this endeavor.
Pastor RK from Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, along with a fellow brother, recently paid a humble visit to us in Bangalore. Pastor RK shared his testimony and delivered a brief exhortation at the Bengaluru fellowship. Both hail from the Gypsy community and are deeply committed to reaching out to their people. Pastor RK is dedicated to nurturing young individuals to embrace this vision. I have been invited to visit their field to conduct in-house training for these young men in Uttar Pradesh.
Pastor PC from Sonabadhra, Uttar Pradesh, served as the video instructor for the training material "Commitment - A Leader’s Quality" designed for groups without access to smartphones. He traveled approximately 180 km one way to reach these groups and even ventured into the state of Bihar to teach a few participants. During this time, a dangerous incident occurred when a high-tension wire fell in the neighborhood during the early hours of the night, resulting in the deaths of livestock in the fields.
The Daily Devotions and Prayer Room services on WhatsApp have been temporarily suspended until my new number is restored. I anticipate reestablishing all contacts on this new number by next week.
The Online Odisha Zoom Conference provided an excellent platform for me to share valuable insights drawn from the life of Jeremiah. Many pastors were blessed with a renewed reminder of our calling to serve Him.
- We praise God for His unwavering faithfulness, protection, and provision throughout the first six months of 2024.
- Jasmine achieved a commendable position in the first formative assessment, showcasing significant improvement in her drawing skills. She has now advanced to using a paintbrush with watercolors. Additionally, over the past three weeks, she has begun attending guitar classes.
- All participants have successfully received their certificates via postal mail. There were no incidents of lost documents or certificates damaged by rodents.
- We praise God for the valuable calls attended this month. We pray that God will meet all their needs in His perfect timing and way.
- Will return back to WhatsApp communications with more grace and favor, and be able to bridge lost contacts.
- The Odisha Pastor’s Online Conference was a blessing.
- Pray for Kerala, worst affected due to thunderstorms, cloudburst, floods and landslides. The rescue operations will be able to rescue affected areas ASAP.
- Will be able to Train & Equip more Gospel workers beyond 200 nos. this year.
- Our vision is to establish a transformative Word-Centered Fellowship and Training Center in the heart of Andhra Pradesh. We earnestly seek divine guidance in acquiring a property that aligns with our aspirations—a space that facilitates immersive training experiences with esteemed global leaders. With plans to incorporate large screens and an environment optimized for internet-based learning, we aim to create a hub of enlightenment and empowerment.
- Establish an industry dedicated to imprinting God’s Word on Wood, Acrylic sheets, Cups, and T-shirts to internally sustain the mission.
- Keziah's recent ophthalmologist appointment did not meet our expectations, prompting us to seek a better facility for her treatment.
- God's divine provisions will meet the ongoing needs of our ministry, family, and children's education. Additionally, the pending payments for the RO water system and motorbike services will be addressed.
- There have been internet issues due to the rain.
In His grace to build His Kingdom,
Pastor Peter Pal

Christmas 2023
Dear Pastor Wright,
Thank you so very much for speaking to us during Online Christmas. Your presence during the occasion has deeply encouraged us. Your spirit of patience, love and your gesture to enjoy and singalong the groups is highly appreciated.
We were disappointed due to lack of proper mobile signals/bandwidth at times when our friends were singing. Another setback was that my audio interface (Soundcard) burnt up which made the audio connection very poor and delivered a very bad recording of the celebrations.
Your Christmas message was received with open hearts. Your message touched many realistic points of every individual that are being faced. We're so encouraged that "Immanuel" God is with us. He is with us every moment, in every situation and in every aspect.
Our friends/Associates had joined from different locations, others sent their apologies as their engagements during Christmas time is high.
To name a few whose presentations inspired us all:
1. Pastor Krishan (City: Karnal State:Haryana) who works among rag-pickers/garbage collectors in the city, whose daughter sang so sweetly, beautifully with all her heart. She surprised us all with her voice and confidence too. One thing we learnt was that it's not our riches or opportunities but our availability in His hands to be used by Him. Pastor Kishan later updated us on his ground zero Christmas outreach that was a blessing to many in the neighbourhood. We could lend him some small help during Christmas.
2. Pastor Kamlesh (City:Pratapgarh State:Uttar Pradesh) was bound by govt orders to confine himself with his family in his house to sing for us. Pastor Kamlesh with his family sang a beautiful Christmas Carol in his local language Bhojpuri.
3. Pastor Pampilal (City:Khandwa State:Madhya Pradesh) who lives in the most interior parts of the tribal areas where no transportation exists along with children and sang a tribal gypsy song in his own dialect.
We are blessed to put together things during Christmas. We as a family got into Carol practice from the first week of December. I'm so thankful to you, and to all others who inspired us one way or the other during Christmas. I also extend my gratitude to my family who not only sang but decorated and arranged all things together.
Thank you once again for your contribution to bring the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ in a special way this Christmas. We hope to receive more fellowship in the coming new year 2024.
We request you to keep us, our families, our friends/associates in your daily prayers.
In His abundant grace and love,
Pastor Peter Pal
2 August 2023
We are living in difficult days – a time of many obstacles but also of great opportunities “to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” As followers of Christ, we must remember His words: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (Jn. 13:34-35).
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today’s prayer journal may include two major issues of India.
1. Northern and central states of India which are still continuing to receive heavy rains and sudden flash floods. Pray for people who have lost everything due to rains.
2. Manipur, the north-eastern state of India has been burning for the last 3 months. Being a sensitive issue, I encourage all our prayer partners to either watch or google news about Manipur. Christians from every state of India rallied peacefully to show solidarity with the believers of Manipur.
Pray for our associates of northern India.
· James and Sunny in Jammu and Kashmir
· Amandeep, Jacob, Mukhadar, Surjeet, Caleb in Punjab
· Anil, Krishan, Naseeb Paul, Sanjay in Haryana
· Ravi, Inder in Uttarakhand
· Robin, Anil, Rajesh, Vishal, Kamlesh, Sarvesh, Patiyar in Uttar Pradesh
· Sushil, Gooma in Rajasthan
· Pampi, Mujahid in Madhya Pradesh
· Munna, Soundarya, Loly, Amit, Lokesh, Sachin in Chhattisgarh
· Barnabas, John in Jharkhand
Celebrated dad’s 84th birthday on 1st of July.
Devotionals sent in WhatsApp continue to bless us and others who receive them. WhatsApp prayer channel connects us with common believers across India to share their issues for prayers. It’s always a blessing to pray for one and another.
God helped us to make a green room (a soundproof cabin) by our own efforts for our online training and recordings.
For your prayers: Please ask God to…
- Help us all to serve the King with joy and passion.
- Our associates will continue their efforts in disaster hit areas.
- Provisions for health checkup and surgical procedure (Keziah & Peter).
- Will see breakthrough in leadership skills, resources and social action in our mission fields.
- Provisions for our rent, power bills, children’s educational needs, medical bills and all unmet needs in family and ministry.
- Sponsors for printing study materials in Hindi and English.
- Ministry trip to Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh) and Pune (Maharashtra) in August will be a great blessing.
Yours in His Vineyard,
Pastor Peter Pal
7 July 2023
Dear Praying Friends,
"Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." Is. 41:10 This scripture is such a comfort during difficult times. God tells us not to be afraid or discouraged. Why? Because He is with us.
Last two months were a bit challenging and at some point, disturbing; Isaiah 41:10 strengthened us. 3rd May I celebrated my birthday with friends and family, attended two different cousin weddings. Two open air meetings in Andhra Pradesh mission field; more than 200 were reached with the Gospel.
Summer heat of May was unbearable, sleepless nights and power shut downs. Missed a few train journeys due to extreme heat. Two, three days went wasted as we could not book air conditioned coach tickets due to heavy rush.
Returning from an open air meeting we met with an automobile accident. None of us traveling in the car were harmed but the impact of collusion was felt by the car. The car has to be sent for major repairs.
Jasmine has been enrolled into 2nd grade and she resumed her schooling from 1st of June.
Consistently, most of us fell sick in these last two months but Sister Sunitha’s health went totally down due to the heatwave and travelling. Medical assistance at the hospital brought her back to a renewed strength. Praise God for His protection and all your prayers.
Daily Devotionals on WhatsApp: Three language devotions shared on WhatsApp continue to make a positive impact on individuals. It has become one of the convenient and accessible ways for people to receive spiritual nourishment daily. Sharing these messages on WhatsApp provide emotional support, motivating individuals during challenging times, and instill faith to move forward. WhatsApp's widespread use and accessibility make it an effective tool to reach a large number of people across different geographical locations in India. Daily devotions shared on WhatsApp also reach individuals who have no access to physical places of worship or who are unable to attend gatherings regularly. Many of them find value in the daily devotions they receive on WhatsApp, many incline to share them further with their own contacts. What a blessing!
Preparing for a Pastor’s Conference in the month of September at Chirala, Andhra Pradesh. We always seek your prayers to keep up the work of the Lord.
We need your prayers for better health, protection, strength and wisdom to persevere in His work.
Our elderly parents need your prayers too.
For the last two weeks my daughter Keziah (pronounced KAY zee ah) has had a terrible eye infection and I twice had to bring her to the hospital. She is on eye drop medications for a month now.
The eye specialist also recognised a difficulty for her eye sight and has referred her to a eye squint specialist. Already a through checkup was done on Thursday. Again the doctor advised a second overall checkup and may ask for a eye surgery. We're waiting for the appointment with the doctor today. We're not sure if we can go for a surgery at the moment but doctors advised that it's better to go for it as it will effect her brain in the future regarding eye sight.
This is the first opinion, may God provide for a second opinion in another hospital as well if needed.
On a daily basis and as the Spirit of the Lord leads us, we often pray for each of you by name.
Yours in Vineyard,
Pastor Peter Pal
8 May 2023
We continue to rejoice in serving our Lord with all the prayers of the saints. Nevertheless, God has not forsaken us nor is lenient in fulfilling His promises concerning us.
April is the onset of scorching hot Summers in India and continues through July. We thank the Lord for His protection and strength during April.
In these 29 years of ministry, the first time we conducted Good Friday and Easter service in a house atmosphere. A small flock came together to worship and praise during these services. I wish I could capture the moments in frames.
14th April Bhopal Pastor’s Meet: Unexpected heatwave of 40°C (104 Fahrenheit) was felt during my travel from Bengaluru to Bhopal, then Bhopal to Kanpur. Unfortunately, I had the upper berth on the train and I had a close experience of a furnace.
16th April Kanpur Pastor’s Meet: Praise God for a blessed time together with Pastors who serve in different terrain.
20th April joined the family to celebrate Jasmine’s birthday at her grandma's home in Andhra Pradesh. Experience of summers beyond imaginations, 43°C (109.4 Fahrenheit).
22nd April spoke during a memorial service of a dear uncle who was a faithful man in faith and work culture.
26th April attended a wedding with a great number of faithful God’s servants. It was also an occasion to meet one of my best Telugu Gospel singers Dr. AR Stevenson.
28th April drove 320kms to be part of an open evangelist meeting in Chirala.
Morning Devotions & WhatsApp Prayer Room continues to bless many around the country. During the first week of April, I refreshed and updated all contacts on WhatsApp messenger. What a blessing to see people getting blessed in small efforts.
We could bless an old lady with a new high speed table fan. She had a 37yrs old table fan given in her marriage, which hardly gave her comfort during this hot summer. To add more happiness, I helped her clean and oil the fan which sprang into action again.
A short and quick visit to our aunts and cousin sister blessed them again. Thank the Lord for the improvement in their health and healing of emotions.
We need your prayers for better health, strength and wisdom to persevere in His work.
Our elderly parents need your prayers for good health and sound mind.
3 March 2023
Thank you so much for praying for us.
There has been a drastic improvement in the wife's nose blockage and sinuses issue. Continuous use of prescribed medicines has loosened her nasal congestion. Little one has improved as well and has started attending her school.
The month of February has been a blessing and we praise God for all His mercies. Though I had issues with my health, in spite of all, we could minister both online and offline.
Morning Devotions & WhatsApp Prayer Room continues to bless many around the country. Pastor Titus from Hyderabad continues to assist to bring about vibrant and apt Word of promise for everyday.
Special Two days Online Word Conference blessed more than 560 Lay-Pastors from different states especially the North Indian Pastors. God gave me the privilege to translate for some international conferences in February.
Modules for New Believers are getting finalized that will offer local Pastors to strengthen their new believers. Hope we can finalize and print the materials by the end of March.
Survey the Land, after a long wait, God willing this week will make a quick trip to Andhra Pradesh to survey the donated properties for building prayer rooms. I may also apply for the renewal of my driving license during this visit.
We need your prayers for better health, strength and wisdom to persevere in His Kingdom building. We need your continued financial gifts to meet all ministry, educational and needs of the family.
Pray as we pay visit to all who are sick in the family, the grieved aunts family who lost their only son yesterday. Our visit will bring hope, healing and ever in-dwelling peace, while we share the love of Jesus.
Pray for the family who stays back and continues leading the Sunday service.
13 January 2023
Jan – Dec 365 Days
Devotionals in 3 languages to 1230 Pastors and Grass-root Church planters across India.
Prayer Room Open for Intercession 365 days 24/7
10th Jan onwards every evening either Zoom/Google Meet/Facebook Live were broadcasted.
Every Friday Fasting Prayers in the morning hours.
Every Wednesday Online Bible Study over Zoom.
Jan – Feb
Word of God Series taught from Mauritius every day from 10th Jan over Google Meet ended in February 2022 with 30 participants graduating.
Supported the local Church in the inauguration of the new training facility.
Organized 7 days in-house Discipleship Training Program at Bangalore in association with the local Church for 13 Leaders & Pastors from North India.
June & July
Faith and Fear Series 6 weeks Online Zoom Course taught from the USA was attended by 39 participants, who graduated in the 3rd week of July.
Organized 5 days in-house Discipleship Training Program at Hosur in association with the local Church for 13 Leaders & Pastors from North India.
Pastor’s and Leaders Conference in Assam attended by more than 330 leaders and Pastors from the North-Eastern States.
Supported the local Church in celebration of the 14th Church anniversary program.
Virtual Christmas Celebration, 17th and 19th over Zoom with all associates and friends in India. More than two dozen groups sang Christmas carols in their own languages.
23rd & 24th Christmas Outreach in two different slums of Bengaluru in association with the local Church.
25 November 2022
Latest Update
Things at my end are also rough; battles & challenges on every front. It's not only financial but also mental, emotional and physical attacks. There were some weird dreams, battling with serpents. My physical body is getting weaker, and I find pain in my thigh, feets and lower spine. Looking after the elderly is a privilege, but also a challenge to address their emotions, attitudes and their needs. Since the Church has engaged me to look after many responsibilities, mostly I am away returning home late evenings, Suneetha as a daughter-in-law shares much of my burdens. Suneetha's condition of Sinusitis has worsened due to winters and her washing clothes in cold water.
Keziah's annual exams have been announced. She may not be active during Christmas, her exams start from 23rd Dec and continue till 29th. Keziah has fee dues for this year, she will be allowed only if dues are cleared. The little one Jasmine scored well, did well in sports and won a few prizes.
What could we desire more is prayer.
23 September 2022
Greetings, hope you're recovering well on your eye sight post surgery.
The truth of suffering from a Biblical point has been so encouraging. It's true that we accept whatever comes to us, humbly accepting to suffer, but in the midst of suffering we look onto Christ, Who suffered more for us, even the death on the Cross.
Sister Sarah is very much in our prayers. Please tell her that we're praying for her. Please don't be discouraged or be saddened. Jesus loves her because she is a precious daughter of Lord Jesus Christ. I believe in heaven she may ask the Lord, why I suffered so much physically. The Lord will bring her very close to her, hug her, kiss her and will say, because you endured all pain, suffering with faith & joy, because of that many saw your unsaid testimony and gave their lives to Christ, their faith was strengthened.
Tell her, I too am suffering with much pain nowadays. I too want to learn from your life, how to keep up the faith and press on giving others comfort, love and joy.
Praying for Sister Dori & Blaise.
Things are getting into normalcy post floods, though the roads have developed a lot of potholes. The civic bodies are on their toes these days. In Karnataka, The Anti-Conversion Law has been passed in both legislative assemblies. Things are getting harder and harder for the proclamation of the gospel. But Praise be to God, the Queen's Funeral that was being watched by all the world brought the Gospel Truth, That Christ Jesus alone gives hope, joy and life eternal. India had its day to witness the live funeral service of The Queen and hear about Christ.
My Health: With the amount of travel, walk & work, it seems my backbone needs care. Often I feel even the bed mattress & pillow are having a tug of war during the night with my backbone.
Sometimes the cervical & shoulders hurt during long drives. My prayers for a vehicle update have an answer from the Lord. Pastor Ashley generously donated 25,000 rupees for a new bike, a brother from Church 3,000 rupees, another visitor to the Church 10,000 (but for my washing machine repair) but I'm planning to use it for my immediate need. Wow, Praise the Lord!!!
Early Morning Prayer & Devotions with the Church has blessed me very much. Daily devotion in different languages is a blessing to many whom I keep sending day after day. Praying for North India missions, hope I can visit the North sometime during this year, God willing.
Everyone in the family is doing well, except some cold & cough. The whole family will be visiting, hometown to attend my cousin's marriage during the first week of October.
October is a festive season here in India, and lots of offers on household products & vehicles. I'm praying for an upgrade from a scooter to a proper bike.