Seeking Jesus Alone

Blessed is he who appreciates what it is to love Jesus and who despises himself for the sake of Jesus. Give up all other love for His, since He wishes to be loved alone above all things.

Affection for creatures is deceitful and inconstant, but the love of Jesus is true and enduring. . .

Love Him, then; keep Him as a friend. He will not leave you as others do, or let you suffer lasting death. . .

Your Beloved is such that He will not accept what belongs to another. He wants your heart for Himself alone, to be enthroned therein as King in His own right. . .

You will often be disappointed if you seek comfort and gain in them [people]. If, however, you seek Jesus in all things, you will surely find Him. Likewise, if you seek yourself, you will find yourself – to your own ruin. For the man who does not seek Jesus does himself much greater harm than the whole world and all his enemies could ever do.

Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, chapter 7