November 2024
“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name” (Psalm 100:4).
Dear Praying Friends:
By God’s grace, over the past year we have seen several encouraging advances, for which we are very grateful to God:
Under the supervision of Jason Truell, The Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity website has been totally rebuilt on a new server and is more flexible and reliable than before. Fresh stories continue to be added to this already-rich resource.
My new book, The China Inland Mission: A Biographical History, has been published by Inspirata Press and will soon be available on Amazon.com.
Our editorial assistant, Casey Houseworth, has helped me to enrich the China Institute website with new content, lovely images, and a greatly expanded “Books” page. Go there to view Confucius and Christ: The Sage and the Savior; Zhang Lisheng (Lit-sen Chang); and With Christ in Times of Trial.
She has also enhanced my blog with those images and much more material (to be found by clicking on its Menu).
Dr. John Barwick has joined our Board of Directors, bringing new energy, experience, and academic excellence to our counsels.
Joseph Liu has become a China Institute Partner, translating articles for me and leading two online Bible study groups with Christians and seekers in China while he works on a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies at a major seminary.
God helped me to deliver a lecture in Chinese on Lit-sen Chang to college professors in China and a presentation to the Chinese Evangelical Theological Society.
None of this could have been done, of course, apart from God, who has graciously used your prayers. Thank you!
Yours with heartfelt thanks to our Lord,
P.S. To find out how you can participate in our ministry financially, go to https://www.reachingchineseworldwide.org/give.