At first I was annoyed. After all, I had come to the showroom of the car dealership to wait for my car to be serviced, rather »
At first I was annoyed. After all, I had come to the showroom of the car dealership to wait for my car to be serviced, rather »
When Jesus is near, all is well and nothing seems difficult. When He is absent , all is hard. When Jesus does not speak within, all other »
God accuses your sins, and if you accuse them too, you are joined to God… You must hate your own work and love the work of »
He that is the Lord of the universe, God over all, blessed for evermore, offered up himself a sacrifice, in both body and soul, in the »
The basic issue in ecology, as in every other human problem, is not only the nature of man, nor even the nature of nature, but ultimately »