Old Friends and New
Last week we spent two marvelous days with old friends. Tad and I met each other in 1965 through my brother Peter, and started seminary together »
Last week we spent two marvelous days with old friends. Tad and I met each other in 1965 through my brother Peter, and started seminary together »
Facing America’s Crosswinds, July 4, 1989 As twilight deepens, the inherited core values of Western civilization become more obscure. The sun sets on agape as »
I just watched Joannie Mochette, Olympic bronze medalist, skate on the "Today" show. What fluid loveliness! What grace! What passion! If Man - male »
We are not our own, therefore neither our reason nor our will should guide us in our thoughts and actions. We are not our own, therefore »
At the recent meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, several papers given during the Carl Henry Discussion Group repeated and expanded on familiar charges that he »