Letters from China: Fighting a Deadly Virus
Dear Uncle Wright, Recently, according to the news, the disease has spread in the United States. After the initial difficulties, I believe that the United States »
Dear Uncle Wright, Recently, according to the news, the disease has spread in the United States. After the initial difficulties, I believe that the United States »
For the past couple of years, Dori and I have been watching foreign drama series on Netflix. The first was in Spanish, the other in Turkish. »
Which Books and Authors May We Recommend to Other In my weekly prayer update on January 6th, I heartily recommended Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, by Peter Scazerro. »
Background My friend Paul Chen has written a very provocative article about comparing the work practices of Chinese and American companies. Paul’s article says, among »
A Student Remembers Karl Barth Reminiscences of Dr. Peter R. Doyle and his wife Sally Ann. (Note: My older brother Peter studied with Barth in Basel »